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The Return of Tax and Spend Big Government

At a time when the American people are hurting and calling on Congress and the White House to take action to get this economy moving, higher taxes and massive increases in federal spending are not the cures for what ails this economy.  Unfortunately, the President's Fiscal Year 2010 Budget offers us just that - even though the American people know we cannot tax, spend, and bail our way back into economic growth.

The President's budget will raise taxes on almost every American during a time when we all are feeling the impact of this recession.  While small businesses are the engine of our nation's economy, this Budget will directly target them with tax increases.  Given continued slump in the job market, we should providing incentives for small business to grow - not throwing a tax increase at them.  

While families are struggling to make ends meet, the President's budget calls for increasing utility rates on every single household in America. While charities such as higher education, health research foundations, and religious organizations are struggling under reduced support and higher demand for their services, the President's budget calls for cutting the tax deduction on donations to these important parts of our community.  While middle class families saving for retirement have seen their 401(k) significantly reduced by the challenges facing the stock market, the President's budget means a tax increase for them as well. 

I am proud to stand on the side of American people and of the First District in support of a responsible budget that  helps get our economy back on track without piling more debt on future generations and increasing taxes on American families and small businesses.  With family budgets tightening, nest eggs shrinking, and job security weakening for far too many across the country, the last thing Congress should be considering is a budget that combines a trillion-dollar tax hike with a historic increase in government spending.  

Posted by Henry E. Brown (03-06-2009, 01:36 PM) filed under Economy, Taxes